Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Central university kashmir |FAQS

                                                           FAQs Regarding CUCET-2012
1. What is CUCET 2012?
CUCET – is “Central Universities Common Entrance Test”. This test is held by seven Central
Universities together, for admission to  over  99 Integrated, Post-graduate & Research
programmes in these Universities. It provides a single window opportunity for the students to get
admission over 99 programs across seven Universities.

2. Which are the Seven Central Universities participating in the CUCET – 2012?

Central Universities of Bihar, Jammu, Jharkhand, Kashmir, Kerala, Rajasthan & Tamil Nadu

3. What programmes are offered in these Universities?

Please see the link “programs offered” for complete list of programs and the University in which
the programs are offered.

4. How many programs can I apply?

All eligible students can apply upto 2 programs of his/her choice. But care should be taken to
ensure that you apply only for those programs for which you are eligible.

5. How much is the examination fee? Is it different, if I apply for more

There is no difference in the exam fee.  The details are as follows:
Offline Application Online Application
Application Fee Application Fee
General / OBC
Rs.300/- Rs.250/-
Rs.250/- Rs.200/-

6. How will I know that my application has reached you?

As soon as your application is received with payment authentication, an automated e-mail will be
sent to the mail id you have given in the application form, if you have applied online.

7. What will be the syllabus for the exam?

For all integrated programs, subject related questions will be equal to the 12th Std (CBSE
Board). For postgraduate programs, it will be based on undergraduate syllabus. A common paper
will be administered for all programs on general knowledge & awareness.

8. When the results will be declared?

The results will be available in the website  www.cucet.co.in.  If you have written your exam
offline, you can print your score card from the website.  Please see the “important date” line for
actual date.

9. How the admissions will be given?

Admissions are handled at the level of each of these 7 Central Universities, for their respective
programs. The common criteria are:

1. Whether you have applied for that particular program in that University as a first choice. (If
left over seats are there, candidates with second choice may also be considered).

2. Your ranking in the CUCET for that programme (Higher the Score, better are your chances)

3. Meeting the eligibility criteria prescribed by the University.

If, you meet these criteria, you will be called for counselling by the University for Admission.

10. What is the tuition fee payable?
Please check the website of the concerned University at the time of counselling.

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